Wild West

The hoo ha about the internet is interesting, I have heard that the television had a vision that was broad and utopic, even writing this blog is part of the current culture. Some know it all blathering on the net will never be pretty and isn't. The internet has changed and I have seen that change from using the internet. I remember making my first web site in 1998 and getting emails from around the world. I definitely was not on the cutting edge just making graffiti sites and publishing images to look at and share with people. I remember seeing FSOL website from the early nineties and it seemed archaic in 98 but had a cool tech vibe to it (it didn't work well but was cool). I remember that people used email a lot more until spam became the only email you would receive. I won't go on anymore but the opinion I want to express is that yes it has changed and it continues to change and I personally like change.
Change is the only thing that makes life bearable and interesting. If the sunset looked exactly the same every day it would be pretty boring after a while. I recently have found some interesting blogs such as htmlgiant and I find a lot of interesting stuff on tumblr not to mention google alerts on topics I like. I have to admit I don't like Facebook because it is an advertisers paradise but it is handy to see what all of my old and current friends are up to and I am genuinely interested and laugh at some of the antics but generally it is restricted and boring, but its great for organizing a party, the real issue is why do Facebook care other than to make a profit. I still think the web needs some work and I don't think it has really settled into a complete system or ever will. Television is a very closed system and is quite restricted and that is how it works. The internet has a strong written component to it that I think will only get stronger but may in the long run not be as prevalent as the video component in years to come but it won't ever be as restrictive as TV.
The fact that people can publish crap on the net is its strength, crap comes in various shades like big corporate sites etc. So because the net is so big lots of systems can co-exist such as a company selling TV shows for an internet enabled TV or device or me having a chin wag. "you are not a gadget" sounds like an interesting book and a review I read said it was the missives of the old guard of the internet 90s era, I will have to read it to see what I think. There will definitely be schisms in something as big as the net. From the early days in University labs during the late sixties seventies to the masses in the nineties and into corporate involvement, the internet is important to all of these differing agendas and helps them. What business could live without the internet? It is such a big part of our lives. I can't remember who said it but a great insight was how we can no longer live without technology (was it Zizek???? I just see a kind of middle aged man looking serious). Obviously I should pay more attention to detail but alas my memory evades me. My last point though is the anonymous critic who cuts people down on the net. These people can be described as nut jobs but I think they are just taking advantage of not being liable for their actions, they are free to let it fly to just feel the freedom of their anger. Something that can happen in a revolution or revolt. A person hiding their face kicking shop windows in because of the GFC and the anger toward corporate involvement. Really anonymity is a ticket to let go and even kill. It is dangerous but its harmless on the web though upsetting for some. Anyway I like painting things sometimes and I find the world we live in interesting.
It is understandable though to wonder what will all of the current models will lead to, will Facebook rule over us? Will we become brainless automatons checking our friends activity. We already are there but we still seem ok. Although there are a lot of "I don't care" t-shirts around, you can always turn the net off and do a Bin Ladin and get a courier to ferry usb sticks around if you want to. The net has been like the Wild West and now companies are in there like the Sherif cleaning it all up or so they think but its still the Wild West, it hasn't been tamed yet.

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