
Showing posts from January, 2011

Der 2011

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The stencil holds a pattern, it is the key of a pattern or form. It is like a punch card from the early days of computing although it is the end result or interpretation that is usually appreciated once paint is applied and or the computer has extracted and quantified the data. But what of the tool itself? Is it not worthy of some adulation? There is a beauty in possibility as well as function and the function is inevitably possibility.


The graffiti is not that interesting in itself, it is the act. Private property and public property share a common space that is fragmented and unified by position and proximity. They have a form that is abstract and coded. We can normally tell a bus stop is public property or that a road is shared space for pedestrian and cars. These spaces are changing and interact. A building is a common element and it has a coating system to protect it and eastheticise it. The issue in most developed countries is graffiti being applied to public and private property. The marks are cleaned and a dialogue can appear that is aesthetic, this dialogue is the interaction of solvents and painting over of illegal mark making. The authorities police public property to protect its integrity and aesthetic appeal even using surveillance to record space and the interactions. I always love to see the remnants of tags on a surface, the work of the sun, solvents and markers as they coalesce in a constant repit...


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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad